# Amiga Software Projects, Development and Reviews
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The Amiga computers first introduced in 1985 feature outstanding graphic, sound and multitasking capabilities. Developing software for the Amiga is not hard job to do, once you have set up everything.

Here is a list of projects for the Amiga:

Abandoned bricks Tetris clone. Screenshot of Abandoned bricks game for AmigaOS 4.
Abombniball Old-school puzzle game. Screenshot of Abombniball game for AmigaOS 4.
Alex In Town Platform game with human. Screenshot of Alex In Town game for AmigaOS 3.
AntiISDA Warrior Simple Space Invaders clone game. Screenshot of AntiISDA Warrior game for AmigaOS 3.
AntiISDA Warrior 2 Sequel of AntiISDA Warrior game. Screenshot of AntiISDA Warrior 2 game for AmigaOS 3.
Aliens Invading aliens shooting game. Screenshot of Aliens game for AmigaOS 4.
BOFH Bastard operator from hell action game. Screenshot of BOFH game for AmigaOS 4.
BoxWorld Sokoban alike game. Screenshot of BoxWorld game for AmigaOS 4.
BoxWorld 2 Sequel of the BoxWorld game. Screenshot of BoxWorld 2 game for AmigaOS 4.
Cat At Crossroad Logic Board Game. Screenshot of Cat At Crossroad game for AmigaOS 3.
CC Games Old BASIC games. Screenshot of Creative Computing Games for AmigaOS 3.
Chips Logic game with computer chips. Screenshot of Chips game for AmigaOS 3.
Colorix Tetris clone with colors. Screenshot of Colorix game for AmigaOS 3.
Elevators Elevators control game. Screenshot of Elevators game for AmigaOS 3.
Garden Garden game. Screenshot of Garden game for AmigaOS 3.
King Kong Donkey Kong style game. Screenshot of King Kong game for AmigaOS 3.
Labyrinth Simple labyrinth game. Screenshot of Labyrinth game for AmigaOS 3.
Labyrinth 2 Dungeon labyrinth game. Screenshot of Labyrinth 2 game for AmigaOS 3.
Lupengo Arcade type Pengo game. Screenshot of Lupengo game for AmigaOS 4.
MazezaM Sokoban type logic game. Screenshot of MazezaM game for AmigaOS 4.
Mozaika Colors matching puzzle game. Screenshot of Mozaika game for AmigaOS 3.
Musketeers Two players board game. Screenshot of Musketeers game for AmigaOS 3.
Old Games More Old BASIC games. Screenshot of Old Games for AmigaOS 3.
Open Jazz Jazz Jackrabbit interpreter. Screenshot of Open Jazz for AmigaOS 4.
Pig Platform retro style game. Screenshot of Pig game for AmigaOS 4.
Seachess Tic-tac-toe game. Screenshot of Seachess game for AmigaOS 3.
Skeleton Dungeon AtariVCS game. Screenshot of Skeleton game for AmigaOS 3.
SolveKnight Program Solving the game Knight. Screenshot of Solve Knight for AmigaOS 3.
Trihex Logic board game. Screenshot of Trihex game for AmigaOS 3.
Vault Assault Space arcade AtariVCS game. Screenshot of Vault Assault game for AmigaOS 3.
Wall Defence Action defence game. Screenshot of Wall Defence game for AmigaOS 3.
Arnold Amstrad CPC Emulator. Screenshot
Atari++ Atari 8 bit computers and 5200 console emulator. Screenshot
Atari800 Atari 8-bit computers emulator. Screenshot
BeebEm Acorn BBC emulator. Screenshot
DGen Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) emulator. Screenshot
GenesisPlus Another Sega Mega Drive emulator. Screenshot
Hatari Atari ST, STe TT and Falcon emulator. Screenshots
KEGS Apple IIGS emulator. Screenshot
P87 Abstract computer simulator. Screenshot
SDDapple Apple II+ emulator. Screenshot
SimCoupe SAM Coupe Emulator. Screenshot
SMSPlus Sega Master System / Game Gear Emulator. screenshot
Wzonka-Lad Nintendo Game-Boy emulator. Screenshot
XRoar Dragon/Tandy computers emulator. Screenshot
6502d 6502 disassembler. Screenshot
as80 8080 assembler. Screenshot
BnuView ROMs graphic viewer. Screenshot
CC65 6502 cross development package. Screenshot
Cmdline C64 cross develop utilities. Screenshot
DCM2ATR DCM to ATR file converter. Screenshot
NGDis NeoGeo pocket disassembler. Screenshot
QL View Sinclair QL screen viewer. Screenshot
Verify Scan and tests directories utility. Screenshot
WLA-DX Macro assembler package. Screenshot
Z88DK Z80 C cross development kit. Screenshot
AmigaOS 4.1 Review Review of AmigaOS 4.1 on mAmigaOne. Screenshot
AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 Review Review of AmigaOS 4.1 Update 1 on mAmigaOne. Screenshot
BTopaz Bulgarian Cyrillic Topaz font. Screenshot
Crossfire 2 Review of the game Crossfire II for Amiga. Screenshot
Parallax4 Multilayer parallax demo. Screenshot
Saxonia Intro Saxonia Magazine Issue 3 intro. Screenshot
VCS Demos Collection of Atari VCS Demos. Screenshot

For development I use the AmigaOS4 Software Developer Kit (SDK), which includes GCC, the freeware compiler VBCC, from Aminet, and the Native Developer Kit (NDK) 3.9, from the Amiga site. For the Assembler programs I use PhxAss (included with VBCC), with the NDK assembly includes, and sometime AsmPro (available on Aminet).

Check the individual archives for sources (if included).
Other tools for development I mostly use, but not limited to, are Personal Paint 7.1, Brilliance 20.2, Deluxe Paint V, CygnusEd, OctaMED Soundstudio 7.09, AHX 2.0, CharMap 2.0, DeliTracker 2.32, ASM-One 1.48, AWeb-II, IBrowse, Directory Opus, Tunenet, OWB. For the specific developing task like converting from one format to another or exporting data sometime I write my own programs or use freeware available replacements. If some tool or utility is not available directly on the Amiga, I use emulators or online based services for processing the data and receiving the results. My current development environment is Workbench based with shell command window opened, text editor and workbench. All the other programs are invoked from there. Separate screen with Directory Opus is used for copy of files, rename, replacements and file views.

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