Abandoned bricks is yet another Tetris clone, written by Babuškov. For this game, the multiplatform SDL library was used for portability. After having some experience with the AmigaOS 4 programming and the SDL library, I compiled version 1.12 of the game for AmigaOS 4, back in 2005.
Features of the game include Single Player Game and Duel Game modes. In the single player mode, there are three possible types of game: Classic - starting on empty playfield and becoming faster with the progress of the game; Challenge - the game begins with some blocks already on the playfield. After certain removal of lines, the level is completed and the player is awarded bonus points according to the empty lines left.
The next levels except faster fall of the figures are with more blocks present in the playfiled at the beginning; Bastet - the appearing figures are not random anymore, unlike the previous two types of game. Based on a special algorithm, the worst possible figure is given to the player;
In duel game mode, two human opponents play against each other in classic game type.
The game keeps record in a file of the fifteen best scores and their level. A challenge for later play. The graphics are acceptable for this type of game. The music is done with .xm tracker modules, which can be easily replaced or turned off.
For compilation on the AmigaOS 4, only a slight modification in the makefile was needed. The latest compiled version is linked with newer version of the SDL library for AmigaOS 4 available and the newlib. The issue with taking all the CPU resources is fixed. Full sourcecode is provided in the archive.
More information about the game and versions for other platforms are available at the Abandoned Bricks homepage on SourceForge.