Hirudov Team Clash of Clans clan rules.

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Hirudov Team Clash of Clans clan rules.
« on: February 03, 2016, 07:07:29 PM »
Here are some main rules for Hirudov Team clan. Not abiding by any of these rules can get you kicked out of the clan.

1. Stay active.
2. Use both attacks in wars.
3. Attack in wars will full army camp and clan castle, plus spells brewed.
4. If you don't want or can't do war, set your war preference to Out.
5. Don't ask for co-leader. Co-leaders will be people with LOTs of contributions to the clan, the Hirudov's livestreams, winning in wars and huge amount of donations. You can't decide if you will be Co. Leaders and co-leaders decide.
6. Minimum 99+ donations for elder. Don't beg for elder if you have less donations.
7. Stay awesome and happy clashing  ;D