Classic Giants + Archers/Barbarians strategy

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Philip William

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Classic Giants + Archers/Barbarians strategy
« on: February 08, 2016, 12:17:12 PM »
Hello guys! Remember me? I was playing and I found a really good strategy for newbies from TH 4 and less (TH 5 that I am is just Giants, healers in clan castle and some archers lus lightning spell).

Giants and Archers/Barbarians strategy is really good if the walls are weak. If are weak, use barbarians, if is maxed or else, use archers.

You will put the giants in front, use some wall-breakers (preference) to break the walls and launch some barbarians/archers behind, do not use all, because its important.

If you saw the hirudov's topic (Clan castle troops) you will know what to do with these troops, valkyries, for example, are really good in this strategy, and wizards too. So you launch some barbarians and archers around the village to break the walls and expand. With this strategy, you can get 1 star to 3 stars, if you lose,you made something wrong.

Stay tuned and see you next time.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 12:23:52 PM by Philip William »