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Here are my software titles for the 8bit Commodores:


AntiISDA Warrior AntiISDA Warrior game for the Commodore VIC-20. Screenshot
MazezaM C64 MazezaM game for the Commodore 64. Screenshot
Wall Defence Wall Defence game for the Commodore VIC-20. Screenshot
Click on the screenshots to download the original versions.
Yet another classic cloned
C64 version of BoxWorld.
Crack by SWEET - Boxworld_SWEET

Yet another fine port.
AntiISDA Warrior for the Commodore 64.
Crack by aldi AntiISDA_Warrior+9M.ALDI

Nice crap.
Fong - Pong clone for four, written for the
C64 CGC 2004.
Futuristic enough.
Futuristic Troll Simulator for the
C64 CGC 2004.
Utterly crap.
Crapoid - Breakout clone for the
C64 CGC 2004.
C64 8 bit power.
93 Bytes Intro for the Commodore C-64.

For these platforms I use various emulators mostly VICE, MagiC64, cp4, vic-emu and crossdevelopment compilers and assemblers like cc65 and dasm.

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