BoxWorld is a puzzle game, where the player has to place boxes over special places in order to gain energy for teleport to the next level. If the player gets stuck by placing boxes in unappropriate places,
he can retry the current stage, by pressing the R key, but this will cost a life. If all the lives are exhausted - the game is over. The boxes can be only pushed, but not pulled, thus requiring ordering of the boxes with caution.
The game features nice graphics, enjoyable music and 525 mindboggling levels for completion. Because the stages are so many and hard to be completed in a single session,
the progress can be saved with the press of the S key on the keyboard, which later can be loaded with the L key.
The Space key teleports to the next puzzle, but only if the current puzzle was already completed in previous game.
There is no chronometer for the level,
so the player can relax and think on the level, before pushing, without the pressure of external factors, except the world itself.
With the progress of the game, the puzzles are getting harder and harder. The player has to come up with more complex strategies on the later levels, with much more pushes and
special tricks in order to place the boxes in corners or long corridors. Sometime most of the boxes are already placed in the appropriate area, but the player has to replace all the boxes
just to be able to move another box and arrange it where it belongs.
The idea based on the classic puzzle game is renewed with the addition of two new types of boxes, which behave differently than the normal boxes placed at most of the stages.
The IceBox can be pushed normally, but once it is moved, it slides away, until it is stopped by another object.
This requires extra effort to be made, when placing these boxes at the appropriate areas. The other special box type, is the InertBox. This box
does not have to be placed over special place and it does not change over there. In some levels the solution can not be seen at first because of these boxes,
but sometime there is an area hidden under them, where the player has to place the ordinary boxes. They can also be used as stoppers for the IceBoxes. At some levels
they are just an obstacle which needs to simply be put away, then the player can focus on the normal puzzle solution.
These new types of boxes raise the possibility for different puzzles exponentially. The additional box types need special treatment, thus
the puzzles with them are much harder to solve.
Another addition is the rough terrain, where the player can walk, but boxes can not be pushed over it. It will also stop the IceBox.
With this terrain in mind, the possibility for pretty easy or very difficult puzzles raises even more.
The player can be controlled with the use of joystick or keyboard. For better retro gaming experience, the use of analog
joystick is recommended. For the later version I have rewritten the game with portability in mind and it is also
available for Amiga and MacOS X. The game is set as a sequel of the game MazezaM and have its own sequel in the form
of BoxWorld 2. For every puzzle fan around, BoxWorld is greatly recommended.