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Games, programs and more for Nintendo Consoles:

ROM files:

MazezaM MazezaM game for Gameboy/Gameboy Color. More Information

Click on the screenshot to download:

The only version with 2X2 graphics.
MazezaM for the Super Famicom.

Screenshot of GG Nibbles.
Compilation of four Sega PD games for GameBoy Advanced via DrSMS.

PDROMs coding compo entry. Placed 7th out of 8.
GBamaTron - shoot'em up for the GameBoy and GameBoy Color.

Screenshot taken with Wzonka-LAD.
AntiISDA Warrior - The GameBoy Classic version.
Placed 12th out of 23 in the PD ROMs coding compo 2.5.
Wall Defence for the GameBoy Color (and Classic).

AntiISDA Warrior for GBA
AntiISDA Warrior for GameBoy Advanced via DrSMS.

Screenshot taken with Wzonka-LAD.
Solve Knight for the GameBoy.


Review of GSD-1988 - Nintendo NES clone (Famiclone)
Review of Hamy PocketGame - Nintendo NES clone (Famiclone)

Snapshots of GameBoy games, right before completion in Wzonka-Lad .gbs format:

Double Dragon
Double Dragon 2

To use the snapshots - load the specific ROM file with Wzonka-Lad, then click on the Load gadget
under the GBS Title and select the .gbs file with the appeared requester.
If everything is OK < RAM snapshot loaded > message will show. Now press the Run gadget
under the ROM Title.
You can use these in VirtualGameBoy too, after conversion with the tool gbs to sav, which is available in the Wzonka-Lad archive.

GameBoy trainer patches in IPS format:
arc-kirb.zip - KIRBY'S BLOCKBALL (+1) TRAINER
arc-spi.zip - SPIROU (+2) TRAINER
arc-toy.zip - TOY STORY (+1) TRAINER
asg-aldt.zip - ALADDIN +1 TRAINER
asg-bat.zip - BATMAN +2 TRAINER
asg-bck.zip - BC KID II +2 TRAINER
asg-bckd.zip - B.C. KID 2 +1 TRAINER
asg-bdsh.zip - BOULDER DASH +1 TRAINER
asg-bter.zip - BATMAN FOR EVER +1 TRAINER
asg-btl3.zip - BEETLEJUICE +3 TRAINER
asg-bub.zip - BUBSY BOBCAT II +2 TRAINER
asg-bub2.zip - BUBSY CAT 2 +1 TRAINER
asg-cst.zip - CASTLEVANIA +1 TRAINER
asg-dark.zip - DUCK DARKWING +1 TRAINER
asg-dug.zip - DIG DUG +1 TRAINER
asg-fun!.zip - GAMEBOY TRAINER FUN-PAK #1
asg-fp2a.zip - GAMEBOY TRAINER FUN-PAK #2a
asg-fp2b.zip - GAMEBOY TRAINER FUN-PAK #2b
asg-grm2.zip - GREMLINS 2 +2 TRAINER
asg-jb.zip - JUNGLE BOOK +2 TRAINER
asg-jd.zip - JUDGE DREDD +1 TRAINER
asg-jedi.zip - S. RETURN OF THE JEDI +2 TRAINER
asg-meg3.zip - MEGAMAN 3 +1 TRAINER
asg-mkey.zip - MICKEY MOUSE 5 +1 TRAINER
asg-mmt.zip - MICRO MACHINES 2 TT +2 TRAINER
asg-mmw.zip - MM MAGIC WAND +2 TRAINER

asg-nbom.zip - BMBMAN'S NEW ADV. +1 TRAINER
asg-nutz.zip - MR NUTZ +3 NUTTY TRAINER
asg-obl.zip - ASTERIX & OBELIX +2 TRAINER
asg-pct.zip - PAC-IN-TIME +1 TRAINER
asg-pman.zip - PACMAN TRAINER
asg-png1.zip - PANG +1 TRAINER
asg-rob2.zip - J. POND - ROBOCOD +2 TRAINER
asg-titr.zip - TITUS THE FOX +1 TRAINER
asg-tp.zip - TUMBLE POP +2 TRAINER
asg-trlt.zip - TRUE LIES +1 TRAINER
asg-wat!.zip - WATER WORLD +3 TRAINER
mom-astr.zip - ASTEROIDS & MC +2 TRAINER

For patching use AmIPS for example or any other working IPS patching tool.

Freeze game files of Super Famicom games for use with the Snes9x emulator:

Beavis and Butt-Head (U)
Cliffhanger (E)

Jim Power (E)
Sonic Blast Man (E)

Super Turrican 2 (E)
Super Turrican (E) [!]

True Lies (E)

To use the freeze game files, unpack the archive in your ROMs directory, load the specific game with the same name and press the F1 key.

The ROM image files for these games are not available here. Sorry,
You have to obtain them by yourself.

Feel free to download the ROMs created by me.

Passwords, hints and tips for games on Nintendo consoles.

For the GameBoy development I use GBDK - the ultimate kit - it has almost everything needed. Sometime I switch to WLA-DX.
For the NES and SNES - CC65, dasm, WLA-DX are some of the most often used.

For SNES coding the SNES-starterkit is recommended.

The emulators, which are used for testing and playing are:

VisualBoyAdvance - Accurate, fast and decent GameBoy Advance, GameBoy Color and classic GameBoy emulator.
Supports snapshots, have debugging options, can make IPS patches, makes use of various visual filters.

AmiNES - Nintendo 8-bit emulator, very compatible and fast.

WarpSNES - fast and decent Super Nintendo Emulator.

AmiGameBoy - very fast, but not that accurate Gameboy emulator. Doesn't emulate the fourth (white noise) channel of the Gameboy. Have built-in debugger and cheat mode. Sourcecode in 680x0 assembler is available.

Wzonka-Lad - more accurate, but slower Gameboy emulator. Better sound and graphics emulation. Supports prefs for every different title with custom palette for the background and the sprites, which makes the games look nice. Can use Game Genie codes and RAM snapshots. Released under GPL. Latest updates by me.

darkNESs - very accurate NES emulator. But it is slow.

CoolNESs - Pretty fast NES emulator, however not much games work properly. Shareware, but free keyfile is available from the emulki site.

ZSNES - fast and accurate SNES emulator with many options.

Snes9X - slower SNES emulator, but some SNES features are emulated better.

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