# Oric Atmos (Pravetz-8D) software, utilities, reviews and information
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Here is a bunch of Oric Atmos (Pravetz-8D) Software:

Games and programs
Garden Garden game.
Happening in the Garden Happening in the Garden game.
MazezaM MazezaM - puzzle game.
Opasna Zona The game Opasna Zona (Danger Zone).
Seachess Seachess - Tic-Tac-Toe game.
Snake Byte Snake Byte - very popular worm game.
Charset Editor Charset Editor - utility for editing characters.
Click on the screenshots to download:

The long awaited sequel.
AntiISDA Warrior 2 (Codepasters revenge).

Original by Stephane Geley.
BoxWorld - Sokoban clone.

The game in action.
Wall defence - 1K Game
Competed in the Minigame 2002 compo
Placed 35th out of 62.

Break the brick with the bat.
BreakOric1K - Minigame.

Ruin the kegglies.
Bowling Master - Another 1K game.

Hit the agents.
AntiISDA Warrior for Oric.

Various games and programs:

Animacia - Tiny bird flying animation.
Assembler-BASIC - Converts Memory.
Ataka - Apple II Star Blazer clone.
BASICHelper - Utility for BASIC programs.
BASICHAdd - Add-on for the BASIChelper.
Big Text - Scrolls big text on the screen.
Binary Show - Shows memory in binary.
Cat at crossroad - logic game.
Cherveiche - Worm game.
HT21 - HIRES-TEXT without clear.
Chips - build computer from chips game.
Clock - Oric real time clock.
DiskMenu - DOS-8D driven disk menu.
ElDuet - Apple's II Electric duet replayer.
FillScreen - Fill Screen - demo effect.
FunctionKeys - Sinclair like keys prompt.
GETRON - BASIC's TRON alike command.
HIRESMove - Smooth movement in HIRES.

Johnson's Copy - Tape user's utility.
Kompresor - Compressor for images in HIRES.
Labirint - Simple Puckman clone.
LakomataZmia - Apple II Snake Byte type game.
Matematika - Basic calculations trainer for kids.
Meri - Simple Lode Runner clone.
Monitor - System Monitor like Apple2's.
Mozaika - Game of figures arrangement.
Musical keyboard - Simple piano.
Musketari - Board game with easy rules.
Niama Vreme - Strategy/puzzle time trial game.
OricPiano - Three channel Oric Piano.
Paint - paint command for Oric.
Prikazka - game based on bulgarian fairy tale.
ScreenSaver - ScreenSaver.
Scroller - Screen scroller.
Smiatanitza - Kid's calculation trainer.
Tetris - Pretty good version of the classic.
Trihex - Logic board game.
Tyrsach - Assembler/Dissasembler/Peeker.

Some text documents:

Oric Cheats - Cheats for some commercial games.
Apple-Oric - Discussion on the Usenet about porting software between Apple 2 and Oric.
MiscOric - Miscellaneous Oric sources.
Danger Zone Solutions - Solutions for the game Danger Zone.

All these were tested with AmOric and is confirmed that they work.
In fact they were developed and tested with AmOric.

Some of the above utilities I use for Oric software development. Additionally I use:
AmOric - Oric emulator for the Amiga. Doesn't support disk drives and Hybrid screenmodes, neither all 6502 undocumented instructions. Not updated since 1996, but still good for Oric tasks.
Oriculator - new development of Oric emulator with considerable enhancements. Available for many platforms, including Amiga.
dasm - The High level macro cross assembler dasm can be used for the Oric too.
CC65 - the 6502/65816 cross compiler. Have Oric Atmos support.
Euphoric - very accurate Oric emulator. Have disk support, mixed graphics modes and is feature rich. I use it under DOSBox on AmigaOne and it performs good enough for testing.
Oric - Oric 1/Oric Atmos Emulator for MacOS X. Works perfect on the Powerbook G4.
OricTools - These are some vital utilities for Oric crossdevelopment (Amiga ports).

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