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Solutions for the game BoxWorld

The solutions provided here are for the game BoxWorld, available for AmigaOS, Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X, downloadable from the site. The other versions have different levels in different order, but the solutions are the same for the equal levels. Some of the levels in BoxWorld correspond to the levels in the game Push box. Most of the levels have several solutions with less/more moves and pushes. Submissions of different solutions with the comments form on the levels will be warmly appreciated. Any other comments, suggestions and opinions - do not hesitate to write.

World 201 World 202 World 203 World 204 World 205
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World 291 World 292 World 293 World 294 World 295
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Solutions for World 001-100

Solutions for World 101-200

Solutions for World 301-400

Solutions for World 401-500

Solutions for World 501-525

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